Happy New Year – the clinic is open

Happy New Year – the clinic is open!

I hope that you and yours had a safe and as enjoyable as possible Christmas and New Year celebration.
As you will have heard, the Government this week announced a new national lockdown. We are pleased to let you know that the Clinic, at the new address of 65 London Wall, remains open for face-to-face consultations while we continue to provide our video and telephone consultations. Bookings are busier than normal at present and to make things easier we have opened up even more evening and Saturday slots. We are also introducing an email service for those quick queries in between appointments.
To ensure we can continue to commit to our high quality services we have updated our fees which can be viewed on the website at   www.medicalprime.co.uk/prices
I have been very pleased to see so many patients at the clinic in London Wall and ‘put a face to the name’. If I have not yet met you in person, I look forward to this year.
As always, feel free to contact me at manager@medicalprime.co.uk with suggestions and ideas on our services.
The Medical Prime team wish you and yours a safe and happy 2021.
Zarina McCulloch
Clinic Manager

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