Christmas 2020 - Medical Prime

Dr Theodora’s Reflections and Season’s Greetings

What a year this has been! Whether to remember or forget it has made an impact on us all. It is easy to focus on the negatives since COVID came into our life. The pandemic has certainly changed our ways of living, working, planning and dreaming about the future.
But not all has to be doom and gloom.
So many of you have told me how you had the time to reflect on the important things in life, look into your needs and give your wellbeing a priority. So many of you have shared amazing stories; how you survived COVID infections, went through a cancer diagnosis and treatment, lost your job and found a better one, cared for ill parents whilst juggling work and family, moved out of a strenuous relationship and found peace.  

So many have the positive stories been that we are going to create a community page on our website where you can inspire others with your story sharing. It has certainly motivated and inspired us. Despite the uncertainties we took a leap of faith by moving into new premises so that we can offer more services in the holistic way we aspire to. More about our new services in our January newsletter, so watch this space.
Moving premises especially in the middle of a pandemic is not for the faint hearted. Having a dedicated team by my side was a blessing and I can’t thank David, Claire and Zarina enough for their support, dedication and hard work to make the move happen.
It’s been just over a month since we moved into 65 London Wall and it has been great seeing so many of you coming to the clinic. Thank you for all the positive comments about our new environment! We have also trialled new opening hours, some evening appointments and Saturdays which are proving popular. One of our patients commented about the ease of parking near the clinic and how their electric car was exempt from the congestion charge!
Remote consultations have allowed us to reach out to you wherever you live in the UK and now form part of our ongoing service to you. However, there is something about meeting you in person and you tell us you feel the same. We look forward to welcoming you at our clinic in the New Year where you can also meet the team who look after you outside the consulting room!
Our clinic schedule during the festive season is:
23rd December: Service up to 5pm
24th December to 28th December: Closed
29th, 30th and 31st December: Reduced service for emergencies via email or telephone
1st January to 4th January: Closed
5th January onwards: Service is open as usual
As always, please feel free to contact us through Zarina McCulloch, our Clinic Manager, at with queries, suggestions and ideas on our services. Zarina and I are pictured next to the lovely Christmas tree at 65 London Wall. More details about getting to the clinic are available on the website:  
On behalf of the Medical Prime team, I would like to send you our warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2021!

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