T’s Story

I went to Dr Kalentzi after the doctors at my GP practice were consistently difficult about prescribing HRT for my menopausal symptoms.

I was about 49 when I began getting heavy bleeding between periods. A consultant diagnosed fibroids. The bleeding, though heavy, was very intermittent and it wasn’t until I was 53 that I decided on a hysterectomy. It was a total hysterectomy and my ovaries were removed.

Within days I went into full-blown menopause. It was hellish. I had horrendous sweats 24/7. At night I was so drenched in sweat I sometimes had to change the sheets and shower. The night sweats meant I didn’t sleep, and I felt awful during the day. I had restless legs and couldn’t get comfortable. I was recovering from surgery and felt generally unwell.

I saw my surgeon after the operation, and she prescribed HRT in tablet form. This relieved some of the symptoms. But then I was discharged from the surgeon’s care. Each time I saw a GP to get my HRT prescription renewed they were very reluctant to renew it, citing breast cancer and blood clots as possible side effects of long-term use.

Another problem was that I wasn’t sure I was on the right dose as I was still getting symptoms, though not as bad. My blood pressure and pulse were taken at GP appointments but no blood tests were done. I dreaded seeing a GP as it was such a battle each time to get the HRT prescription renewed and I was shown little sympathy. Once I said to a young GP, “You have no idea how hellish this is.” I could see she just didn’t understand.

Before going on HRT my memory was bad and I had a lot of difficulty concentrating and felt irritable.

In 2019 I discussed these problems with a friend who also had menopausal symptoms. She decided to look for a menopause specialist, did some research and found Dr Kalentzi. We both made appointments to see her.

My first appointment with Dr Kalentzi was fantastic. She went through my medical history very thoroughly and explained my symptoms using graphs. For the first time I felt understood. Dr Kalentzi put me on estradot HRT patches twice a week, plus a testosterone cream which I use once a day.

I had been getting up a lot at night to pee and Dr Kalentzi explained that this was because the bladder is one of the last places oestrogen goes to in the body. When oestrogen levels drop during the menopause, the effect can be that you pee a lot. Dr Kalentzi prescribed oestrogen pessaries twice a week and they helped enormously.

When I saw Dr Kalentzi again three months later my symptoms had significantly improved. I still had a few symptoms but the difference was incredible and this was reflected in the symptom chart I completed. I now see her every six months. At each appointment I have blood tests and my medication is adjusted accordingly. Each time you see Dr Kalenzi you complete a symptoms chart and there’s a huge difference between now and two years ago.

Things had been so difficult before I saw Dr Kalentzi – hellish, in fact. As a result of seeing her, my life has been transformed and I feel ‘me’ again. Dr Kalentzi truly understands how difficult the menopause can be and thoroughly explains the reasons for your symptoms. She answers all your questions and is reassuring, explaining what each medication is for and the benefits. Dr Kalentzi is brilliant.

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