Jess’s Story

In 2013, aged 32, very shortly after the birth of my third baby, I found myself in the unfortunate position of having had a full hysterectomy. I took the pamphlets thrust at me regarding the menopause and scuttled out of the hospital doors. Getting over the operation was relatively quick and easy for me, so I wasn’t prepared for what my body hit me with just a few months later …

I knew little about the menopause. No one had suggested I would need HRT after my hysterectomy, strangely enough. I really started to sit up and take notice of my menopause when I was sitting opposite a GP for the third time, discussing my depression and anxiety. At least, that’s what he told me I had, and he was looking to up my antidepressants again …. I was mortified! I just didn’t understand. I’d not taken antidepressants before. Why now? And why was no one else asking why? Just upping the dose…? I asked him, “Could this be the menopause? Perhaps I should try HRT, not antidepressants??” He almost laughed at me. “No!” he retorted. “You are clinically depressed. You have endured a trauma. HRT can’t sort this one out.”

And that was the start of a long, long road. I went back to the GP every few weeks. I felt desperate and was getting more depressed and anxiety-ridden after each appointment. I could barely leave the house, my anxiety was so high. I had put on weight without even eating. This was causing me to eat even less. I couldn’t talk to anyone. Not even my husband. Our intimate relationship melted away to nothing. I had no interest in myself or anything else. I could barely stay awake through the day. I just survived. For 7 years.

Until I couldn’t anymore. My husband phoned me from work and said he was desperately sad for me. I was desperately sad for me. I knew this was something else. I wasn’t depressed. I felt sure I needed HRT but no one would listen. So my husband found Dr Kalentzi online.

Within a week I was sat in her waiting room, nervous and excited. That first hour changed my life, literally.

Filling out the symptom questionnaire was a revelation. I read the questions out to my husband one by one. I didn’t have just a couple of those symptoms, I had them all.

Dr Kalentzi was so kind. She gave me the safe space to talk about what I had been through, how I felt and where I wanted to go. And slowly, she has guided me back. Three years down the line and I feel back to me again. I may be 10 years older, but I feel 20 years younger. I lost 3.5 stone within 18 months. I run three times a week. I work full time as a Parkinson’s specialist nurse, a job I have wanted for such a long time. I have 3 children and a husband who I have fun with on my days off, and I still have energy left over to socialise and see my friends. I don’t take antidepressants and I’m not crippled by anxiety. I don’t have hot sweats, I feel attractive and I have confidence.

Of course, this is because I have the correct medication, but it’s also because Dr Kalentzi, Zarina and the team are always on the end of the phone to help in any way they can. They go over and above the call of duty for their patients. I feel safe with them and am eternally grateful for everything they have done for me and my family.

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