Celebrating World Menopause Day, 18 October, with Sally’s story

We are delighted to announce that our latest patient story has been released on video. Sally’s story – my menopause journey. Sally shares her remarkable personal menopause journey and what better time to highlight this important topic than World Menopause Day.

We encourage everyone to view this beautiful short film; it will enlighten as well as delight. We hope it will also encourage you to share your own experiences.

World Menopause Day’s two main themes this year are cognition and mood. Our new, life-affirming video highlights both of these and other menopause symptoms along the way. 

Sally shares her remarkable personal journey from having “really debilitating symptoms” and “… thinking at the time that I was falling apart” to undertaking a 10,000-mile journey to Antarctica. Sally says it all; “I got my mojo back.”

“(Before treatment)… I wouldn’t have wanted to win this prize… but I accepted the prize without even batting an eyelid … I just thought yeah I’m up for it, there is life after menopause…”

World Menopause Day was created by the International Menopause Society (IMS) and I am pleased to be a member. I will be attending the IMS World Congress on Menopause next week.

As part of our work at Medical Prime, we continue the conversation encouraging all of us to feel more comfortable talking about the menopause. I am also pleased to tell you that The Institute of Directors, London, in support of World Menopause Day, is promoting my recent interview ‘Menopause is still a taboo in business’. You can find their post and article via IoD London’s Post-world menopause day.

We are very grateful to Sally and all the women within our patient community for sharing their stories; we receive a great deal of positive feedback about these and look forward to supporting anyone who would like to write or film their own menopause journey. Please do get in touch with our Clinic Manager, Zarina.

With our best wishes,

Dr Theodora Kalentzi